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Instant Apps: Making Android App Development More Effective

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It’s human nature to never truly trust something until we’ve seen it or tried it out ourselves. That’s why we test drive several cars before making the final decision. We may be excited about the model and may have seen ads, talked to our friends, read all the specifications and even read online reviews. But do we rely on all this information at our disposal? We would still want to test drive the car before buying it. This is because we want to be completely sure we’re making the right decision. We not only wish to be certain that the car justifies everything we’ve heard about it, but also that it’s a perfect fit for our requirements.

Same is the case with mobile apps. With more than 2.3 million apps available on the Google Play Store, how do we choose the ones that are most suitable for our needs? We can read reviews to filter some out. Even then, it’s practically impossible to download hundreds of apps to check them out before making the decision.

This changed with an innovative technology introduced by Google at its annual developer conference held in 2016 in California. The I/O event, organized by Google’s executive team, stands for input-output, while also referring to its slogan “Innovation in the Open”. The event is a much awaited on by Android application developers, as it hosts in-depth technical sessions focused on web and Android application development. The 2016 event introduced an innovative technology that changed user perspective of Android app development and the complete app experience. It has also increased user satisfaction and user retention. The technology we’re talking about is Android Instant Apps.

Instant Apps is a new way of Android app development which provides users an opportunity to test the app before making a decision. Users are provided a lite version of the app, instead of the native one, reducing the efforts of both users and Android application developers. When users search for an app on the Google Play Store, there are two options being offered - to directly download the native app on their device or to operate it in a lite environment to get a feel of it before deciding whether to download the app.

Instant Apps: A Blessing in Android App Development
If a user chooses to test the app in a live environment, the control is transferred to a web link where the core functionality of the app can be tested. With this, Instant Apps opened a new avenue for beta testing, where Android application developers could create an attractive demo for the mobility solution.

Instant Apps plays a key role in the Android app development process. It provides the Android application development company an opportunity to release a prototype of the app that can generate the necessary hype for promoting the app.